I was recently tasked with doing some web scraping. That is, taking a web page and pulling out interesting bits of information. Scraping is usually a last resort, or in our case, the only option when a proper API doesn’t exist.
The particular data we were interested in involved automobiles. (Big surprise.) Most of it was easy to pick out of the HTML, except for one thing - the VIN. VIN is Vehicle Identification Number and is unique to every car. For whatever reason, the site I was scraping had obscured the VIN - probably to deter people like me. They were sending the VIN in an obfuscated form and then decoding it with Javascript in the browser. Our script was getting the raw HTML without executing any of the Javascript so we weren’t getting the correct VIN.
As shady as what I’m describing sounds, I had a legitimate reason for scraping the data and permission from the owner, so I set to work trying to figure out how they were encoding the VIN. After a few minutes of digging, I came across the following Javascript which was operating on the HTML with the encoded VIN:
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ) { // holds each letter (2 digits) var letter = ""; letter = str.charAt(i) + str.charAt(i + 1); // build the real decoded value res += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(letter, 16)); i += 2; }
Can you tell what’s going on? Every 2 characters represent a hex number which, when converted to decimal represents an ascii character code. I implemented the decode function in Ruby like so:
chunks = encoded_vin.scan(/.{2}/) chunks.collect{ |chunk| chunk.to_i(16).chr }.join
I threw a few tests around it, added it to the scrape script and had some victory coffee.